
What is Your Abundance?

2015 is the year of “abundance” for me. This idea came to me quite naturally. I am restarting my life from a whole new place – a new business and a new perspective. Taking this leap means I have the choice in how I want to approach it.

For many years I was stuck in fear. I was fearful of the future, my capabilities and failure. Not anymore. I decided that fear is what was holding me back. It was paralyzing me. It meant I was stuck in a day-to-day lifestyle that I believed was out of my control. I woke in the mornings with a heavy chest and ended my days yearning to climb under the covers so I could hide from my life.

What changed? I did. I was given the gift of freedom. I lost my job and gained my life.

Most people would be devastated by such a loss. And so was I. But curiously, it was like a brick wall opening up in front of me. Suddenly I could see everything that had been missing – a life filled with family and good friends. Over time I came to discover the passion that had been simmering down deep inside of me. And I came to realize that my life is abundant!

Just peruse the web and you will find a vast array of blogs and articles on the “how to” of creating the perfect life. This is all good and inspiring. In fact, many of us need that external noise to tap into our internal desires. But let’s strip away the noise for a minute and focus on your perspective. Do you see little choice in your situation? Or do you see possibilities untapped? If you are stuck in the “little choice” perspective, perhaps it is time for a shift? What are you afraid of or what is holding you back? How you choose to see your world is a direct reflection of how your world gives back to you.

As I embark on the rest of my life and fulfilling my passion, helping others realize their potential, I choose to see things in their full glory. I notice, with joy, the sunrise and the little children scooting up and down my street. I also see the opportunities right in front of me are mine for the choosing.

Choosing abundance was easy once I let go of fear. Sure I have my moments of doubt – who doesn’t? But I know I have everything I need and I have the power to make decisions and make things happen for me. It truly is the glass half full perspective.

By opening up to abundance, I am meeting incredible and like-minded people who are supportive and encouraging me to succeed. I am taking risks that may or may not work out, but if I don’t try, I will stay in the same place and nothing will change. Abundance means having everything available in front of me. Choosing abundance over fear means I am living as my authentic self.

Do you see life as abundant?
What is holding you back from living the life you are meant to live?
What are your abundant gifts to share with the world?

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