

Welcome to my first blog! And of course, welcome to my site.  Over the next year I will be writing periodically on various topics, mostly relating to leadership and issues on career and the right fit.  These will be my musings and you may find you love or disagree with them. My hope is that they will provoke your thinking.

A little bit about myself – It was a year ago that I left my last position.  Not my choice, but I knew at the exact moment it would end up being the right thing.  Turns out I was right.  Without boring you with typical clichés, sometimes we need a gentle or not so gentle push to send us in a better direction.

I won’t sugar coat this. There were some dark moments. Yes I questioned my abilities and attempted to read every self-help book I could find.  But I took the time to really think deeply about who and what I wanted to be and do.  I knew for sure that I wasn’t happy in the large organization anymore.  I was stressed to the max and only time and contemplation could help me become open again.

When I say open, I mean taking the blinders off, sifting through my values, aspirations and talents and lifting up my head to begin seeing everything my 8-5 job had gotten in the way of. Through it all I discovered peace and courage.

I moved from stuck to possibilities! I have learned many things along the way.  Most importantly is that I have a gift to share.  It is the gift of change.  My hope for everyone is to find that which makes them truly inspired and happy – their passion.

Stuck is a choice.  Change is a choice.  Which is it for you?

As my bio says, I have years of leadership and management expertise.  And for the most part, it worked well for me. My passion now is to help people realize their impossible future.  I am their thinking partner. And did I mention that I would be delighted to spend a session with you at no charge, to see if we can work toward your next move?

7 thoughts on “Welcome!”

  1. Eve, you’ve done what many likely want to do and don’t, for all sorts of reasons. Hat’s off to you for that, and wishing you all the best. I’ll be keeping an eye out for future blog entries.

  2. So great to see the fruits of your labour Eve.
    Wishing you every success as you follow your passion in service to others. Congratulations!

  3. Eve, I think you are doing something very useful. Thank you for our recent conversation, which was the jumpstart that I needed. I have already taken more steps toward my goal since we spoke. In fact, I have a friend that I would like to send your way. All the best, and thank you!

    1. Good for you Connie! And good luck. Often it is the clarity we get when talking it through with someone else who had our best interests at heart.

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