
Have you ever felt stuck?

You know that feeling that creeps up that you can’t put your finger on? Like the train has left the station and you aren’t on it. Or, you find yourself on the wrong train.  I know that feeling. It happened long before I left my position in a large organization.  I knew something wasn’t as it should be. I couldn’t put my finger on it.  Like many of us it felt like I was in a forest but couldn’t see the trees.  And if I could, they wouldn’t be the tall firs I am used to seeing close to home.

Sure, many others would have loved to be in my shoes.  But I wasn’t loving it.  This happens to most of us at one time or another. Instead of paying attention to the signposts, we carry on because it is what we do.  We make sacrifices for the benefit of our loved ones. We tell ourselves that we made what we are, so put up with it.  Or we wear those golden handcuffs like a badge of honor – but are they?

That feeling is the signpost.  Have you stopped to read it? It is telling you something so important your life may depend on it?

What I have learned is that I have a choice. I can clear through the bushes and find the path.  I can open my eyes and see what is truly in front of me – or could be.  Yes it takes work – a lot of it. But trust me when I say it will be worth it.

I don’t have the answer. Only you do.  So if you see the signpost, maybe it is time to pay attention.

2 thoughts on “Have you ever felt stuck?”

  1. Hi Eve,
    Are you allowed to use 2 metaphors in 1 paragraph?:) I see what you mean about the signpost. It’s hard to see when I’m stuck in the problem and not the solution. Change is coming and it will probably involve a lot of faith and work. Yikes!
    Great website. Really clear and comprehensive. Kim

    1. Sure Kim we can use 2 metaphors in a blog!
      I really like what you said about a lot of faith and work to make change. But isn’t everything good worth it? And when we put out commitment out to the world, support comes to us in unexpected ways.

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