individual & organizational coaching

Eve Gaudet MA, PCC
Inspiring. Caring. Transformational
We focus on a positive approach. Through honest and open dialogue, we identify what is right, what is working and what is missing. We can help you jettison what is wrong and what is not working. We help you define your impossible future and what is needed to achieve it.
Coaching. Why now?
corporate & professional leaders
You’re are a corporate or public service senior leader or physician ready to challenge yourself or make your next move. Fine tune your vision, become more confident and effective, and upgrade your communication skills – both listening and making yourself understood. Working together one-on-one, you gain clarity of purpose and create the change needed to forge new territory.

one-on-one coaching
When you need a thinking partner to make the changes in your leadership, career, strategy or mindset. With a complimentary session we discover your goals and our suitability together. Our confidential engagements are typically 6 – 12 months.

team coaching
Optimize your team’s performance through trust, focusing on interconnected parts that make up the cohesive “whole”. Our systemic approach works within and beyond the team, creating deeper relationships, higher performance and better results. Our engagements are typically 6 – 12 months.
Optimize your team’s performance through trust, focusing on interconnected parts that make up the cohesive “whole”. Our systemic approach works within and beyond the team, creating deeper relationships, higher performance and better results. Our engagements are typically 6 – 12 months.
Our assessments and tools of choice are from Lumina Learning – Spark, Team and Leader360, and Everything DiSC Management – Workplace and Management, and The Five Behaviours Team Development.
We offer individual assessment debriefs and workshops focused on creating greater awareness of self and teams.
DiSC and the Five Behaviours are proudly offered in collaboration with Padraig
The success of your coaching experience depends on your effort
Change demands your commitment. For some, even the first step isn’t easy. To help you with it, we offer a complimentary introductory session for one-on-one coaching or a free pre-workshop session for team coaching. Connect with us to arrange your complimentary session.
I put it so many hours of leadership training throughout my career, all over the place from many ‘experts’, and I was so incredibly refreshed with your approach and message yesterday.
Kirsten Mohr, P.Geo
Terra Firma Transition Consulting
Eve exudes professionalism and positivity and has a strong intuition of knowing when to push me to a higher level of thinking; where she questions me powerfully so that I feel challenged in a positive and insightful way that then helps me open up new lines of thought that I would not have discovered otherwise. My coaching sessions with Eve have been a game changer for me.
Charmaine Turner
Global HR Leader
I was blown away by how quickly and gracefully Eve helped me uncover blocks that held me back from success. This insight was essential and it allowed me to see where I could make the most impact in my business. Eve has my trust and my back. She’ll have yours too!
Heather Allen Zucchino
Author, Assistant Professor
I can’t imagine where I’d be without Eve. Every time I leave a session with her I feel grounded, strong and clear. I’ve taken huge leaps and bounds towards goals that I’ve had for over a decade. Maybe I could have gotten there on my own but the progress I’ve made with Eve’s guidance and support is amazing.
Amy Mitchell
Systems Specialist
Eve has been my sounding board, my rock, and my confident through the most challenging years of my career. She brings a maturity to her professionalism, including her flexibility, timeliness, and business acumen. The majority of Eve’s clients are at the executive level and her approach to coaching is always as a thinking partner.
Urban & Community Development
Eve’s coaching has had a marked impact on both my career path and as importantly, my comfort and commitment in taking on senior executive roles. My executive presence and position-appropriate strategic orientation flourished with Eve’s skillful coaching. I am a more confident, impactful leader, and have been promoted to a senior level.