
We call our process the Five Cs.  They lead to the essential C: CHANGE Practice. Be accountable. commit Create action plan. Test out plan. Adjust plan. catalyze Generate ideas and possiblities. Find focus. co-create Explore the issue. Clarify motives and beliefs. Identify what's right, what's stuck and what's missing.  Be curious. clarify Create trusting relationship. Create a contract. connect

We call our process the 5 Cs. They lead to the essential C:



Create trusting relationship.
Create a contract.


Explore the issue.
Clarify motives and beliefs.
Identify what’s right, what’s stuck and what’s missing.  Be curious.


Generate ideas
and possibilities.
Find focus.


Create action plan.
Test out plan.
Adjust plan.


Be accountable.

Your work with us will evolve through a process of multi-linear steps. While there is order to
the steps, you can always retrace any step when you need it.

Whatever your organization’s culture or size, we can  help improve the performance of individuals and teams.


Our service is designed for high-performers wanting to raise their game and that of their organization. We help you align individual or team goals with the goals of the organization. 


Together we can transform the culture of your organization for better outcomes.

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