the blog
Coaching. Why now? Find out why the strength of your leadership will be the critical asset for the future of work.
Why 3 Key Shifts Need Hidden Powers
I recently had the privilege of hosting Day 1of the Women’s Executive Network’s 2018 Wisdom Mentoring Program. Given carte blanche to develop a full leadership day, my intention was to provoke the attendees to realize how their leadership and hidden powers are...
What’s Your Self-Development Plan?
If you’re thinking I’m asking about your personal self-development plan, you’d be only half right. So often we segregate our lives into personal and professional. But I’m in disagreement with this view. We aren’t made up of compartments – we live whole lives. That...
What to do When Trust Slips Away
In one moment, I knew I’d eroded her trust in me. Recently I had one of those days where I should’ve just stayed at home. The kind of day where I felt overwhelmed caring for family members and too many deliverables in the hopper. Instead of paying attention, I...
How do you break the glass ceiling?
Early in my career, as women’s wear manager for a fashion importing company, the owner of the company told me he was sure I’d make a great mother and not want to return to work when my baby arrived. I was stunned and speechless. In that moment I felt the power to make...
How to Change Careers Gracefully
You’ve finally decided to change your career. It takes all your energy to stay focused until you leave your current position. While you’re excited with the prospect of moving forward, there’s a good chance you’re also feeling anxious, and a little bad to be leaving...
When your why shifts
Lately I’ve had a spate of clients who struggle with understanding why their current position isn’t satisfying them anymore. They know something isn’t right but are caught in the “can’t see the forest for the trees”. They may even know something needs to change but...
Exactly Why Self-Awareness is Leadership’s Cornerstone
The Internet is rife with advice on how to be self-aware. I’m not here to give you the top 10 ways of how to be self-aware. What I will do is help you understand why it’s the foundation of successful leadership. Think of this blog as a “back to basics”. If you’ve...
Are you the “I” in influencer?
Influencer is one of those words that we often hear bandied about these days. “She’s a Huff Post influencer.” Or “In fashion circles, he’s THE influencer.” These are the people who capture attention and move ideas across broader audiences. But there’s another type of...
Executive Coach? But I’m not an executive
“Who do you work with?” is the question I get when people find out I’m an Executive Coach. This makes me laugh because I wonder if they think I’m the executive. Or, to be a client they have to be an executive! The answer is muddy. Yes I do coach executives in...
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